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Side Channel Attack

[ChipWhisperer tutorial] Intro Tutorial(2). Instruction Differences 이번 tutorial은 side channel attack의 방법 중 하나인 Instruction Differences에 대해서 소개하고 있다. 지원되는 setup은 다음과 같다. This tutorial will introduce you to measuring the power consumption of a device under attack. It will demonstrate how the power consumption of a target changes based on what operations it's doing. 이 tutorial은 공격중인 장치의 전력 소비를 측정하는 방법에 대해서 소개한다. 수행중인 operation에 따른 target의 전력 소비가 어떻게 변하는지 보여주는데, 이는 ..
[ChipWhisperer tutorial] Intro Tutorial(1). Firmware Build Setup 이번 tutorial은 Firmware build setup에 대해서 소개하고 있다. This tutorial will introduce you to the software side of ChipWhisperer, including the tutorials themselves. It will also show you how to perform different operations on data based on input from the ChipWhisperer software. This can be used for building your own system which you wish to 'break'. All the %%bash blocks can be run either in Jupyter or i..
[ChipWhisperer tutorial] Introduction 아래 설명은 ChipWhisperer tutorial에 관한 introduction 중, Parameter block에 대한 설명과 예제이다. [Completing Tutorial] ChipWhisperer tutorials are designed to be run from start to finish, with few changes needed. One change you will likely need to make is to the Paramater block. These appear as the first code block in every tutorial and are used to allow tutorials to work with multiple hardware setups. An exampl..